1.        #include <stdio.h>

              int main ()


                       int a,b=10,c=20;

                        printf("value of b before swap : %d\n",b);

                        printf("value of c before swap : %d\n",c);




                        printf("value of b after swap : %d\n",b);

                        printf("value of c after swap : %d\n",c);

                        return 0;


    2.          #include <stdio.h>

                 int main ()


                        int x;

                        printf ("Enter the number : ");

                        scanf ("%d",&x);

                        if (x<0)

                                printf ("Zero");

                        else if (x==0)

                                printf ("Negative");


                                printf ("positive");

                        return 0;



    3.        #include <stdio.h>

                int main ()


                    int x;

                    printf ("Enter the year : ");

                    scanf ("%d",&x);

                    if (x%400==0)

                            printf ("Leap Year");

                    else if (x%100==0)

                            printf ("Not a Leap Year");

                    else if (x%4==0)

                            printf ("Leat Year");


                            printf ("Not a Leap Year");

                    return 0;



    4.        #include <stdio.h>

               int main ()


                    int y,x;

                    printf("Enter 1st terminal : ");


                    printf("Enter 2st terminal : ");


                    if (x%y==0)

                            printf("first is evenly divisible by the second");


                            printf("first is not evenly divisible by the second");

                    return 0;



    5     #include <stdio.h>

            int main ()


                int y,x;

                printf("Enter 1st value : ");


                printf("Enter 2st value : ");


                if (y==0)

                        printf("Can't do division by 0");



                return 0;



    6.         #include <stdio.h>

                int main ()


                    int y,x;

                    printf("Enter the value : ");


                    if (x>1000)

                            printf("Enter the number less than 1000");


                            for ( y=100; y!=0; )


                                    if (x/y==0)

                                                printf("Zero ");

                                    else if (x/y==1)

                                                printf("One ");

                                    else if (x/y==2)

                                                printf("Two ");

                                    else if (x/y==3)

                                                printf("Three ");

                                    else if (x/y==4)

                                                printf("Four ");

                                    else if (x/y==5)

                                                printf("Five ");

                                    else if (x/y==6)

                                                printf("Six ");

                                    else if (x/y==7)

                                                printf("Seven ");

                                    else if (x/y==8)

                                                printf("Eight ");


                                                printf("Nine ");




                     return 0;


    7.        #include <stdio.h>

                 int main()


                    float  Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer,percentage;

                    char grade;

                    printf("Enter the Physics marks : ");


                    printf("Enter the Biology marks : ");


                    printf("Enter the Chemistry marks : ");


                    printf("Enter the Mathematics marks : ");


                    printf("Enter the Computer marks : ");



                    if (percentage >= 90)


                    else if (percentage >= 80)


                    else if (percentage >= 70)


                    else if (percentage >= 60)


                    else if (percentage >= 40)





                    return 0;
