When we do operators calculations we need know the below table.
Token |
Operator |
Precedence |
Associativity |
() |
function call |
1 |
left-to-right |
[] |
array element |
1 |
left-to-right |
a++ |
postfix increament |
1 |
left-to-right |
a- - |
postfix decreament |
1 |
left-to-right |
++a |
prefix increament |
2 |
right-to-left |
- -a |
prefix decreament |
2 |
right-to-left |
+ |
unary plus |
2 |
right-to-left |
- |
unary minus |
2 |
right-to-left |
! |
Logical negation |
2 |
right-to-left |
~ |
one's complement |
2 |
right-to-left |
* |
indirection |
2 |
right-to-left |
& |
address |
2 |
right-to-left |
sizeof |
size(in bytes) |
2 |
right-to-left |
(type) |
type cast |
2 |
right-to-left |
* |
multiplication |
3 |
left-to-right |
/ |
division |
3 |
left-to-right |
% |
modulus |
3 |
left-to-right |
+ |
addition |
4 |
left-to-right |
- |
subtraction |
4 |
left-to-right |
<< |
left shift |
5 |
left-to-right |
>> |
right shift |
5 |
left-to-right |
< |
less than |
6 |
left-to-right |
<= |
less than or equal to |
6 |
left-to-right |
> |
greater than |
6 |
left-to-right |
>= |
greater than or equal to |
6 |
left-to-right |
== |
equality |
7 |
left-to-right |
!= |
inequality |
7 |
left-to-right |
& |
bitwise AND |
8 |
left-to-right |
^ |
bitwise XOR |
9 |
left-to-right |
| |
bitwise OR |
10 |
left-to-right |
&& |
Logical AND |
11 |
left-to-right |
|| |
Logical OR |
12 |
left-to-right |
?: |
conditional expression |
13 |
right-to-left |
= *= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= <<= >>= |
assignment operators |
14 |
right-to-left |
, |
comma operator |
15 |
left-to-right |
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